Two patients were Fire (Inner Fire) and one was Metal.
I find it interesting that it is often my Metal and Inner Fire patients who are most aware of the value of their treatments; each of these are able to sort and evaluate properly in their differing ways. They recognise the need for regular treatments and know when they need a treatment, but like to space their treatments differently. Patients 1 and 3 like to come on average once every 2 months, whilst Patient 3 only gets in touch when she feels she needs to.
Patient 1 Fire (Inner Fire) GV 12, SI 11, SI 3, Ht 9
Patient 2 Metal Lu 1, Co 1, Lu 8 (she felt it was already autumn, and I always give seasonal treatments which relate to how the patients are experiencing a season).
Patient 3 Fire (Inner Fire) SI 9, SI 4