Patient: Male, age 52
Element: Water
Number of years coming for treatment: 2 years
Last treatment given: 1 year ago
Problems today: Recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome, and minor flaring of psoriasis in the scalp. Less worried about his family troubles (one son was in trouble at school, but now appears to be settling down better).
Treatment given:
1 Co – St block (Co 20 – St 1)
2 Bl 38 (43)
3 Bl 66, Ki 10 (winter seasonal)
At the end of treatment: His darkish blue-black colour had lightened, his face looks rounder and less drawn.
Time of next treatment: We both felt that he had left it a bit too long since the last treatment. Appointment therefore made for beginning of February, but will cancel if he feels very good in himself.
Proposals for next treatments: Ki 16, AEPs or Ki 25
Note on Water: I like to think that I can see two different kinds of Water colours, one a darkish-bluish-black, which I see as being more related to the dark, yin side of Water, therefore the Kidney, and a lightish, translucent kind of colour which seems to reflect all the colours, and which I relate to Bladder, the more mobile, less static, more yang of the two Water officials.